Westec Plastics Customers & Vendors,
The purpose of this letter is to assure you that Westec Plastics is closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and is taking preventative and cautionary actions. These actions are to help protect our employees, customers and suppliers and to ensure business continuity.
Yesterday, the County of Alameda issued a Shelter in Place Order for all residents and nonessential businesses. Westec produces many products for the medical industry that are essential to the healthcare industry.
This makes us an ESSENTIAL business, and therefore, our doors will remain open at this time.
Please know that we are following all best practices in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. This includes additional sanitizing measures, limiting customer/vendor visits, and staggering shifts to minimize human contact as much as possible.
We are also working closely with our supply chain to ensure that we do not experience delays in raw materials. As of now, we are able to meet all previously acknowledged commitments. While we don’t anticipate extending lead times, please review your upcoming forecasts to ensure we are able to meet your goals.
This is a very fluid situation and is constantly changing as new updates become available. Our #1 goal is to keep our employees healthy and safe. This will enable us to continue to meet our customer requirements.
Please let us know if you foresee any closures or changes to your business operations. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at your convenience.
Stay healthy!
Tammy Barras